In January 2022, publication of Estoffe, an artist book by Laetitia Legros published on the occasion of her residency at Centre médical Le Roggenberg, in Altkirch.

This book of drawings was conceived by Laetitia Legros in the context of her residency at Centre médical Le Roggenberg. These drawings were created by patients, caregivers and the artist during the months of October, November and December 2017. 200 copies of this book are published.

As part of this residency, various visits were organized at local museums including: Musée sundgauvien (Altkirch), Musée Théodore Deck (Guebwiller), Musée de l’impression sur étoffes and Musée minéralogique de la Société Industrielle (Mulhouse). Within the museums’ collections, patients and staff spent time observing, drawing, memorizing, and transcribing the items on view. These drawing sessions at the museum and the hospital led to the creation of a collection of images: objects, stones, and motifs whose outlines form overarching narratives.

This residency was supported by Agence régionale de santé (ARS) Grand Est.